1106-0064 - Caseload and Economic Forecasting Office

Account Description FY 2015
FY 2016
House 1
1106-0064 Caseload and Economic Forecasting Office
For the caseload and economic forecasting office within the commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency office; provided, that the caseload and economic forecasting office shall provide analysis of long-term revenue and budget projections for the long-term fiscal policy framework, analysis of potential gross state product for the health care cost containment legislation, and fiscal impact analysis of major policy proposals and support the development of caseload forecasts for: (1) MassHealth enrollment by group; (2) participation in state subsidized child care provided through items 3000-3050, 3000-4050 and 3000-4060; (3) participation in emergency assistance and housing programs provided through items 7004-0101 and 7004-0108; (4) enrollment, both active member and dependent, in the group insurance commission; (5) recipients of direct benefits provided by the department of transitional assistance through items 4403-2000, 4405-2000 and 4408-1000; and (6) participation in programs provided by the department of children and families through items 4800-0038 and 4800-0041; provided further, that the office shall report its caseload forecasts to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than November 30, 2015; and provided further, that the office shall submit an updated forecast to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committee on ways and means not later than March 11, 2016
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