This is not the official budget document.

Budget Summary FY2011

Division of Labor Relations
Data Current as of:  8/6/2010

Web Site:

Organization Chart


The Division of Labor Relations is statutorily charged with the mission of preventing or promptly settling labor disputes by offering dispute resolution services to both public and private sector employers and the labor organizations that represent their employees. The four primary functions of the DLR are: (1) adjudication of Prohibited Practice Charges; (2) handling of representation cases and bargaining unit clarification cases; (3) prevention and investigation of strikes by public employees; and (4) the provision of conciliation, arbitration and mediation services.

Governing Laws:


MGL C. 150E S. 1-15
Labor Relations: Public Employees
MGL C. 150A S. 1-12
Labor Relations
St. 2007 C. 145 S. 1-9
Labor Relations Agencies
St. 1973 C. 1078 S. 1
Joint Labor Management Committee


456 CMR 1.0
Rules and Regulations of the Division of Labor Relations