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Organization Chart


The mission of the Department of Environmental Protection is to ensure that air and water are clean, toxics and hazards are managed safely, solid and hazardous wastes are recycled, hazardous waste sites and spills are cleaned up in a timely manner and wetlands and coastal resources are preserved.

Governing Laws:


MGL C. 21A S. 2,7,12, MassDEP Enabling Legislation
MGL C. 21 S. 26-53 Water Pollution Control
MGL C. 21C S. 1-30 Hazardous Waste Management
MGL C. 21D S. 1-19 Hazardous Waste Management Facility Siting
MGL C. 21E S. 1-22 Oil & Hazardous Materials Site Cleanup
MGL C. 21G S. 1-20 Water Management Act
MGL C. 21H S. 1-4,7,8 Solid Waste Management
MGL C. 21I S. 1-23 Toxic Use Reduction
MGL C. 21M S. 1-9 Oil Spill Act
MGL C. 21N S. 1-9 Climate Change
MGL C. 29C S. 1-18 State Revolving Fund
MGL C. 91 S. 1-63 Waterways and Coastal Development
MGL C. 111 S. 142M Motor Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance
MGL C. 10 S. 61 Motor Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance
MGL C. 131 S. 40 Wetlands Protection
St. 2011 C. 9 S. 22 Natural Resources Damages Trust
MGL C. 21A S. 8,16 Climate Change
MGL C. 21A S. 13 Title 5 Program
MGL C. 21A S. 22 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
MGL C. 111 S. 142N Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
MGL C. 21H S. 6A-6N Mercury Management Act
MGL C. 21O S. 2-9 Underground Storage Tanks
MGL C. 111 S. 2C Enforcement Order Authority
MGL C. 111 S. 5G Drinking Water Program D
MGL C. 111 S. 159-165 Drinking Water Program
MGL C. 130 S. 105 Wetlands Protection: Coastal Wetlands
MGL C. 131 S. 40A Wetlands Protection: Inland Wetlands
MGL C. 111 S. 150A-A1/2 Solid Waste Management
MGL C. 21H S. 5-6 Air Quality Control: Solid Waste Incinerators
MGL C. 111 S. 142A-L,O Air Quality Control
MGL C. 111 S. 5E-F Aquatic Nuisance Control
MGL C. 21E S. 5,11A Natural Resource Damages: Liability, Civil Action
MGL C. 21A S. 2A Natural Resource Damages
MGL C. 21A S. 8,16,18 MassDEP Enabling Legislation


CMR See MassDEP Website

