Fiscal Note

The Governor submits the House 1 budget recommendation for fiscal year 2012 for the maintenance of the departments, boards, commissions, institutions and certain activities of the commonwealth, for interest, sinking fund and serial bond requirements.  The House 1 recommendation totals $30.549 billion, before including the state’s annual contribution for employee pension costs. When accounting for state pension costs, total fiscal year 2012 state spending equals $32.027 billion. For comparison purposes the fiscal year 2011 estimated spending is adjusted to include $397 million in spending for state education aid that is funded from “off-budget” (non-state operating) sources that is typically funded on the state operating budget. Fiscal year 2012 spending will be 1.8 percent less in estimated spending for fiscal year 2011.

Fiscal Year Comparison
amounts in millions of dollars
  FY2011 FY2012 Annual Change % Change
Section 2 Direct Appropriations: 28,121 28,147 27 0.1%
Section 2 Retained Revenues: 471 499 28 6.0%
Procurement and Leasing Savings (OS #38 ): - (30) (30) 0.0%
Subtotal Direct Appropriations: 28,592 28,617 25 0.1%
Consolidated Transfers (Section 2e): 2,130 1,932 (198) -9.3%
Total FY 2012 H.1 Recommendation 30,721 30,549 (173) -0.6%
Adjusted FY11 Spending for Comparison: 31,118 30,549 (570) -1.8%
State Pension Contribution: 1,441 1,478 37 2.6%
FY 2012 Spending Including Pensions: 32,559 32,027 (136) -1.6%