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Governor Patrick    FY2011 House 2 Budget Recommendation:
    Issues in Brief

    Deval L. Patrick, Governor
    Timothy P. Murray, Lt. Governor


Performance Management Initiative

Now more than ever, state Agencies must ensure that they are spending their dollars in the most efficient manner.  Since taking office, the Patrick-Murray Administration has demonstrated its commitment to ensuring that the Commonwealth functions as efficiently and effectively as possible, delivering the high-quality services that individuals and communities expect and deserve.  The MassGOALS initiative – Massachusetts Government Outcomes to Achieve Long-Term Success – helped changed the way that we talk about the work our agencies do to focus on data trends and outcomes to evaluate the performance of our state funds.  MassGOALS is centered around nine citizen focused result areas that are intended to encourage cross-Secretariat collaboration to achieve success including:

 Policy Area  Goal
World Class Education The Commonwealth's youth and adults have access to the education they need in order to be successful students, workers and members of society.
Effective Government Constituents trust that their leaders are working together and accountable for delivering high-quality, efficient government services that people want.
Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Citizens enjoy greater wellness and improved health and have access to quality, affordable health care.
Job Creation & Economic Growth Massachusetts enjoys a robust business climate, with a workforce well-prepared to take advantage of employment opportunities throughout the Commonwealth.
Safe Communities People feel safe where they live, work, learn and play.
Clean Energy & Environment The Commonwealth's environment is conserved in a robust and sustainable economy through natural resource management and the promotion of energy efficiency and clean energy.
Efficient Transportation & Mobility People and goods move reliably, conveniently, and safely throughout the Commonwealth.
Civic Engagement Citizens are active participants in government and in their communities.


Secretariats have been working on performance measurement efforts along with strategic plans that demonstrate their commitment to achieving a focus on performance.  For example, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (HHS) has worked hard over the last year to identify its highest level Secretariat strategic goals. Over the next year information will be shared on how these goals give structure to HHS focusing its efforts, identifying policy opportunities and improving results. The HHS goals were developed collaboratively through teams involving all 16 HHS agencies and dozens of our managers. The goals are not just words: These strategic goals are being put into action by establishing the framework to set priorities, inform policies, and align services for residents of Massachusetts.  In addition, other Cabinet Secretaries have used the MassGOALS framework to implement programs to track performance and guide policy decisions in the programs they administer.

The issues in brief summarize policy initiatives are being advanced in the Governor’s budget recommendation.  Consistent with the MassGOALS program and the framework that it has created for agencies to manage and measure policy initiatives, the following briefs are organized by MassGOALS result area.

Prepared by LeeAnn Pasquini, Executive Office for Administration and Finance ·
For more information contact: (617) 727-2040