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Organization Chart


The Department of Housing and Community Development is the agency responsible for providing leadership, professional assistance and financial resources to promote safe, decent affordable housing opportunities, economic vitality of communities and sound municipal management. These goals and objectives are reached in partnership with regional and local governments, public agencies, community-based organizations and the business community. DHCD is committed to:
-Programs and funding that primarily target populations of low-to-moderate incomes and those with special needs.
-Coordinating, integrating and balancing agency responses to address the comprehensive needs and interests of communities.
-Programs and technical assistance designed to facilitate informed decision-making at the local level, and to encourage self-sufficiency of residents and communities.
-Sound business practices that ensure the highest standards of public accountability and responsibility.

Governing Laws:


MGL C. 23B S. 1-29
Department of Housing and Community Development enabling legislation
MGL C. 121B S. 1-59
Housing and Urban Renewal Statute


760 CMR
4-60, DHCD Regulations