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Since 1826, the State Library of Massachusetts has served as a multifaceted resource for executive personnel, legislators, state employees, researchers and members of the public who want to learn more about local government as well as the state's extraordinary historical legacy. The State Library of Massachusetts offers a wide range of resources, services and programs that include access to legislative papers, General Laws of Massachusetts, town atlases, maps, city directories, town reports from around the state, exhibits and special events. Whether you are interested in using one of our electronic databases for legal or personal research, enjoy the serenity and splendor of our reading room, schedule an event, or simply want to set up a tour of the facility, the staff of the State Library of Massachusetts is here to assist you. We look forward to serving as your gateway to the wealth of historical and cultural treasures under our stewardship at the State Library of Massachusetts.

Governing Laws:


MGL C. 6 S. 33-39B
Trustees and Librarian of the State Library