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The State Ethics Commission administers and civilly enforces the Conflict of Interest Law, M.G.L. c. 268A, and the Financial Disclosure Law, M.G.L. c. 268B. The Commission seeks to ensure compliance with those laws through the provision of free legal advice, education, enforcement, and a process for financial disclosure, thereby promoting the public's confidence in the integrity of Massachusetts public employees.

Public employees in the Commonwealth may not use their public positions to secure private gains. The Conflict of Interest Law generally prohibits state, county and municipal employees from participating officially in matters in which they also have an outside private interest; trading on their public influences to benefit private business interests in matters before government; and using their public positions to gain an inside track on public jobs or contracts. The Conflict of Interest Law applies to public employees while on the job, after hours, if they have business interests with government and when they leave public service.

The Financial Disclosure Law requires certain state and county employees to annually disclose their private financial and business interests. Disclosure reports are reviewed by the Commission for completeness and consistency, and are available for public inspection.

Governing Laws:


MGL C. 268B S. 1-8
Financial Disclosure Law
MGL C. 268A S. 1-25
Conflict of Interest Law


930 CMR
State Ethics Commission