0330-0601 - Specialty Drug Courts

Account Description FY 2016
FY 2017
House 2
0330-0601 Specialty Drug Courts
For the operation of drug courts and other specialty courts; provided, that the trial court shall partner with an external research organization that is responsible for monitoring program fidelity and collecting and analyzing the outcome evaluations for all drug courts funded through this item; provided further, that all drug courts funded through this item shall be faithful to a specific proven or promising model to reduce recidivism and reoccurrence of substance abuse as identified by the evaluator selected to monitor the program; provided further, that existing drug courts may receive funds from this item; provided further, that such drug courts shall meet program fidelity standards identified by the evaluator; provided further, that the outside evaluator shall develop measures and processes to collect data that measures the long-term outcomes of: (a) any cost savings to the commonwealth as a result of alternative sentencing; and (b) the impact of drug courts on recidivism; provided further, that the external research organization responsible for evaluating this program shall submit an annual report to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing all relevant findings; and provided further, that no funds shall be transferred from this item to another item in the trial court
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