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Board of Registration in Medicine Oversight

SECTION 22.   Section 1 of chapter 112 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2012 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the second and third paragraphs and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:- The commissioner of public health shall supervise the work of the board of registration in medicine, the board of registration in nursing, the board of registration in pharmacy, the board of registration of physician assistants, the board of registration of perfusionists, the board of registration of nursing home administrators, the board of registration in dentistry, and the board of registration of respiratory therapists. For each such board, the commissioner shall recommend changes in the methods of conducting examinations and transacting business and shall make such reports to the governor as the commissioner may require or the director may deem expedient.

This section places BORIM under the supervision of the commissioner of DPH. Currently, BORIM is not listed as one of the boards that DPH is directed to supervise pursuant to section 1 of chapter 112.