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Transfers between Health Funds

SECTION 20.   Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the executive office for administration and finance shall transfer $30,000,000 from the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund, established by section 36 of chapter 118G of the General Laws. The executive office of health and human services and the health safety net office shall fund the hospital fiscal year 2015 payment amount to each hospital from the Health Safety Net Trust Fund. Payments may be made either as safety net care payments under the commonwealth's section 1115 waiver, or as an adjustment to Title XIX service rate payments, or a combination thereof. Other federally permissible funding mechanisms available for public service hospitals, as defined by regulations of the executive office of health and human services, may be used to reimburse up to $70,000,000 of uncompensated care at the hospitals using sources distinct from the funding made available to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund. The secretary of administration and finance, in consultation with the secretary of health and human services and the executive director of the commonwealth health insurance connector authority, shall on a quarterly basis evaluate the revenue needs of the health safety net program funded by the Health Safety Net Trust Fund and subsidized health insurance programs funded by the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, and if necessary, transfer monies between these funds for the purpose of ensuring that sufficient revenues are available to support projected program expenditures.

This section provides for transfers between the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund and the Health Safety Net Trust Fund.