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Governor Patrick    FY 2013 Budget Recommendation:
    Issues in Brief

    Deval L. Patrick, Governor
    Timothy P. Murray, Lt. Governor


Spurring Innovation with Technology

Technology presents new and exciting opportunities to drive innovative changes in government that could vastly improve services to residents and businesses and save taxpayers money.  While the Commonwealth has already pursued a number of technology-enabled innovations, the Patrick-Murray Administration is relentlessly fixed on driving innovation in government and identifying new opportunities to change the way government does business.  Toward this end, the Administration plans to formally seek more input from technology experts and entrepreneurs and to make targeted investments in technology to support innovation. 

Focusing on technology will also help streamline the delivery of services through a single face of government and ultimately allow the state to interact with people online however they choose (i.e.  Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc.).  Enhanced innovation will allow the Commonwealth to address common consumer inquiries and complaints, by adding more transactions online and allowing for better data sharing so that people don’t have to contact multiple agencies to get an issue addressed. 

Engaging with Experts

The Commonwealth will collaborate with innovation experts from the private sector and members of our vast higher education community in the following ways:

Making Government Work Better

The majority of citizen complaints or inconveniences can be addressed, but will require investments in technology.  The Administration continues to find ways to serve the public better and more efficiently.  Some recent examples include:

Prepared by the Executive Office for Administration and Finance ·
For more information email: (617) 727-2040