Section 1B - Non-Tax Revenue Summary

SECTION 1B. The comptroller shall keep a distinct account of actual receipts of non-tax revenues by each department, board, commission or institution to furnish the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means with quarterly statements comparing such receipts with projected receipts set forth herein and to include a full statement comparing such receipts with projected receipts in the annual report for such fiscal year pursuant to section 13 of chapter 7A of the General Laws. The quarterly and annual reports shall also include detailed statements of any other sources of revenue for the budgeted funds in addition to those specified in this section. .

Fiscal Year 2011 Non-Tax Revenue Summary
Program Area Unrestricted
Federal Revenue
Independents 7,876,034 41,545,804 49,421,838
Administration and Finance 41,006,629 6,547,280 47,553,909
Energy & Environmental Affairs 6,669,485 0 6,669,485
Health and Human Services 8,418,047,618 45,986,197 8,464,033,815
Education 194,488,915 0 194,488,915
Public Safety 6,374,200 3,000,000 9,374,200
Total Federal Revenue 8,674,462,881 97,079,281 8,771,542,162
Departmental Revenue
Judiciary 135,289,254 750,000 136,039,254
Independents 414,279,136 5,549,767 419,828,903
Administration and Finance 724,929,075 42,461,023 767,390,098
Energy & Environmental Affairs 80,725,207 18,555,463 99,280,670
Health and Human Services 497,672,402 241,809,902 739,482,304
Transportation 510,374,900 0 510,374,900
Housing & Economic Development 119,919,749 6,322,964 126,242,713
Labor & Workforce Development 2,666,134 557,850 3,223,984
Education 85,568,482 529,843 86,098,325
Public Safety 59,083,762 47,771,200 106,854,962
Total Departmental Revenue 2,630,508,101 364,308,012 2,994,816,113
Consolidated Transfers 1,090,379,588 788,046,916 1,878,426,504
Total Non-Tax Revenue 12,395,350,570 1,249,434,209 13,644,784,779