70610008 - Chapter 70 Payments to Cities and Towns

Account Description FY2017
7061-0008 Chapter 70 Payments to Cities and Towns
For school aid to cities, towns, regional school districts, counties maintaining agricultural schools, independent vocational schools and independent agricultural and technical schools to be distributed under chapters 70 and 76 of the General Laws and section 3; provided, that not less than $12,548,162 shall be used to provide transitional relief to school districts and charter schools whose fiscal year 2018 chapter 70 aid and tuition revenue, respectively, are significantly and negatively impacted by the change in low-income enrollment measurement; provided further, that these funds shall be distributed by the department not later than September 1, 2017; and provided further, that the department shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than September 1, 2017 its recommendations for adjustments to the chapter 70 foundation budget calculation for fiscal years 2019 and beyond to improve the accuracy and equity of the low-income component
4,626,879,372 4,746,953,715