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CPAT Changes

SECTION 24.   Said section 4A of said chapter 7, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by striking out subsection (e) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-

(e) The executive office for administration and finance shall promote and improve accountability and transparency throughout the executive department by operating a searchable website as required by section 14C, monitoring and reviewing federal grant applications made on behalf of the commonwealth, coordinating efforts to maximize federal revenue opportunities and providing oversight of compliance with federal reporting requirements. In promoting accountability and transparency, the office may also: (i) establish and maintain a central intake unit for reports of fraud, waste and abuse; (ii) establish and maintain an economic forecasting and analysis unit to coordinate all spending and revenue forecasting by state agencies and coordinate with the caseload and economic forecasting office established in section 4R; (iii) reduce and simplify paperwork of state agencies and departments through the adoption of uniform forms or corresponding short federal forms; (iv) implement and streamline electronic paperwork options to better facilitate public interaction with state agencies; and (v) collaborate with state agencies, authorities and other entities to carry out this subsection.