03406653 - ADA Salary Reserve

Account Description FY2015
0340-6653 ADA Salary Reserve
For increases in the annual salaries of assistant district attorneys; provided, that the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association shall transfer funds to the AA object class in each of the 11 district attorneys' offices so that the resulting minimum annual salary for an assistant district attorney shall exceed $37,500 per year; provided further, that these salary increases shall not take effect until January 1, 2016; provided further, that not less than 30 days prior to the distribution of funds, the Massachusetts District Attorneys' Association shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing: (a) the methodology used to determine the amount to be dispersed; (b) the amount to be given to each district attorney's office; (c) the reasoning behind the distribution; and (d) the number of assistant district attorneys from each office who would receive funds from this item; and provided further, that no funds from this item shall be expended on the administrative costs of the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association
0 3,000,000