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Organization Chart


The mission of the Department of Telecommunications and Cable is to regulate the telecommunications and cable industries in accordance with statutory obligations imposed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the federal government; to promote competition and protect consumers consistent with the public interest, including investigating and responding to carrier and consumer inquiries and complaints related to telecommunications and cable services; and to provide expert input, as requested by the Administration, to the development of telecommunications-related policies for the Commonwealth.

Governing Laws:


MGL C. 166 S. 1-44
Telephone and Telegraph Companies, and Lines for the Transmission of Electricity
MGL C. 166A S. 1-22
Community Antenna Television System
MGL C. 30A
State Administrative Procedure
MGL C. 82 S. 40-40E
Dig Safe law
MGL C. 93 S. 108-113
Slamming Law
MGL C. 159
Common Carriers
MGL C. 25C S. 1-7
Governor's Reorg establishes the DTC


201 CMR 17.
Standards for protection of Personal Information of Residents of the Commonwealth
207 CMR 000
Massachusetts Cable Television Division
220 CMR 000
Department of Telecommunications and Energy