70619804 - Teacher Content Training

Account Description FY2011
7061-9804 Teacher Content Training
For teacher content training in math and science; provided, that said training shall include math specialist and Massachusetts test for educator licensure preparation; provided further, that funds from this item shall be expended on content based professional development in math and science, with a focus on elementary and middle school math and science teachers in districts with a high percentage of students scoring in level 1 or 2 on the math or science Massachusetts comprehensive assessment system exams, or in districts which are at risk of or determined to be underperforming in accordance with sections 1J and 1K of chapter 69 of the General Laws; provided further, that such professional development courses shall demonstrate proven, replicable results in improving teacher and student performance, and shall demonstrate the use of best practices, as determined by the department, including data comparing pre-training and post-training content knowledge; provided further, that for the purpose of this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2012; provided further, that not less than $400,000 shall be expended on a program which shall provide advanced placement math, science and English teacher training in at least 40 school districts, provided that such program shall provide a matching amount of at least $400,000 in private funding; and provided further, that the department shall deliver to the legislature an independent evaluation of the program and its impact on student achievement, particularly as it relates to closing achievement gaps
581,981 746,162