This is not the official budget document.

Budget Summary FY2009

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
Data Current as of:  6/22/2009

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Administration and Services 1,169 0 0 1,169 1,156  
Community Services for the Blind 4,546 0 0 4,546 4,145  
State Supplement to Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Blind 8,352 0 0 8,352 8,198  
Medical Assistance Eligibility Determination for the Blind 370 0 0 370 167  
Turning 22 Program and Services 10,663 0 0 10,663 10,565  
Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind 3,045 0 0 3,045 3,045  
Ferguson Industries for the Blind 1,924 0 0 1,924 959  
TOTAL    30,068 0 0 30,068 28,234  

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account description amount
Budgetary Direct Appropriations  
4110-0001 Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Administration and Services
For the office of the commissioner; provided, that the commissioner may transfer funds between items 4110-0001, 4110-1000, 4110-1010, 4110-1020, 4110-2000, 4110-3010 and 4110-4000; provided further, that the amount transferred from any of those items shall not exceed 5 per cent of the total amount appropriated for that item; provided further, that 30 days before any such transfer, the commissioner shall submit an allocation plan detailing the distribution of the funds to be transferred to the house and senate committees on ways and means; and provided further, that amounts appropriated to the commission in fiscal year 2009 that extend or expand services beyond the level of services provided in fiscal year 2008 shall not annualize above those amounts in fiscal year 2010
4110-1000 Community Services for the Blind
For the community services program; provided, that the Massachusetts commission for the blind shall work in collaboration with the Massachusetts commission for the deaf and hard of hearing to provide assistance and services to the deaf-blind community through the deaf-blind community access network; provided further, that not less than $500,000 shall be expended for the talking information center; provided further, that not less than $450,000 shall be expended for the deaf-blind community access network; provided further, that not less than $10,000 shall be expended for the Audible Local Ledger of Falmouth; and provided that not less than $150,000 shall be expended to provide adaptive technology services for school-age children who are blind to ensure increased competence in the use of technological equipment and academic and professional development and self sufficiency
4110-1010 State Supplement to Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Blind
For aid to the adult blind; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for burial expenses incurred in the prior fiscal year
4110-1020 Medical Assistance Eligibility Determination for the Blind
For eligibility determination for the medical assistance program for the blind; provided, that the commission shall work with the executive office of health and human services, the department of mental retardation and other state agencies to maximize federal reimbursement for clients so determined through this item including, but not limited to, reimbursement for home and community-based waiver clients
4110-2000 Turning 22 Program and Services
For the turning 22 program of the commission; provided, that the commission shall work in conjunction with the department of mental retardation to secure the maximum amount of federal reimbursements available for the care of turning 22 clients; and provided further, that the commission shall work in conjunction with the department of mental retardation to secure similar rates for contracted residential services
4110-3010 Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind
For a program of vocational rehabilitation for the blind in cooperation with the federal government; provided, that no funds from the federal vocational rehabilitation grants or state appropriation shall be deducted for pensions, group health and life insurance, or any other such indirect cost of federally reimbursed state employees
4110-4000 Ferguson Industries for the Blind
For the administration of the Ferguson Industries for the Blind; provided, that retired workshop employees shall receive grants equal to three-fourths of the salaries of current workshop employees; and provided further, that any funds received for goods and services purchased by private and public sector entities at Ferguson Industries shall be remitted to the General Fund

account description amount
Federal Grant Spending 8,813,617
4110-3020 Vocational Rehabilitation Grant for the Blind
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Vocational Rehabilitation; provided, that no funds shall be deducted for pensions, group health and life insurance or any other such indirect cost of federally reimbursed state employees
4110-3021 Basic Support Grant for the Blind
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Basic Support Grant
4110-3023 Independent Living for the Blind - Adaptive Housing
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Independent Living - Adaptive Housing
4110-3026 Independent Living - Services to Older Blind Americans
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Independent Living - Services to Older Blind Americans
4110-3027 Rehabilitation Training for the Blind
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rehabilitation Training
4110-3028 Supported Employment for the Blind
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Supported Employment